Major concerns raised over cellphone radiation studies
Let's Talk About Linen: The BEST Fabric to Wear for your Health!
I speak about linen and why i um promote wearing linen as much as possible especially during this time where we are in inundated with frequencies radiation electrical magnetic frequencies like the emf that comes off your phones and the laptops and ipads so today we're just going to have a chitchat about linen so what's linen well linen it comes from Flax if you're familiar with flax seeds that is the plant that linen comes from all right so here i have some linen pieces
Dr Devra Davis on Precautionary Paper on Wireless Radiation Environmental Research
scientific evidence provides clear proof that current levels of Wireless radiation endanger public health and the environment in our paper released today we have documented that environmental levels of exposure to wireless radiation have increased exponentially even in the past decade cell phones Wi-Fi routers airpods bluetooth smart speakers an increasing array of devices in 4G and 5G
Reducing Environmental Toxins with Dr. Devra Davis
it is a great pleasure for me to introduce dr. Deborah Davis one of the world's leading and accomplished and prolific cancer epidemiologists and toxicologists
Michael Faraday Quotes "Inventor and Father of Electricity" - by FARA WEAR
~ Quotes by Michael Faraday: But still try, for who knows what is possible?; I must cofess I am jealous of ther term atom; for though it is very easy to talk to atoms, it is very difficult to form a clear idea of their nature; I am no poet, but if you think for yourselves, as I proceed, the facts will form a poem in your minds.
"The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation" -- Dr Devra Davis
"The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation: what we know, what we need to find out, and what you can do now"Presented by Dr Devra Davis, Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey.
Cell Tower Radiation and Human Health Dr. Devra Davis
Cell Tower Radiation and Human Health Dr. Devra Davis
The Sun hasn't been this Strong in YEARS, why? Examining Solar Cycle 25 and 2024 Overall
#spaceweather #geophysics #planetarygeometry
Global geophysics news for January 4th, 2024 by Geophysicist Stefan BurnsSmarter Devices, Yet Slower Injury and Pain Recovery | Don Nixdorf | TEDxChilliwack
This talk, which was filmed at a TEDx event, contains assertions about the impact of electromagnetic fields on wound healing that have not been supported by randomized clinical controlled trials.
A Video discussion with Professor Dr. Douglas Bruce Clement
Farabloc is a fabric that has a unique quality of being an electromagnetic shield.
St. George College athlete uses Farabloc for sports pain relief.
I used Farabloc on my hamstring recommended by Doug from UBC
Man’s best friend – Farabloc in use by amputated dogs
He had an injury on his leg with what we thought was an injury and through a few different diagnoses we were finally diagnosed with a bone cancer in his right hind leg. We weren’t really given any choice other than to just kind of put him on pain meds and see how long he survived…
The EMF Guy - This Woman's Thyroid Finally Healed After Sleeping In A Shielded Bedroom? [EMF Circle Preview]
When you shield a room it's like you get a hundred percent compliance for your kids, for your family members, like every single night you're going into that shielded space and people who are Electro sensitive often they'll describe it like "Oh my gosh everything's quiet, I finally feel still, stillness.
The EMF Guy - Is Wireless Charging An EMF Hazard?
Does wireless charging generally emit a lot EMF's, usually it's only local like within a few inches of the charging device like if your device is on a wireless charger and you're, you're not okay and you're far enough away that you're not able to charge that's about how far the field goes out okay so it's like this near field technology.
Magnetic, Electric Fields & EM Waves: History and Physics
Before I get into the details of the history of electric fields, and the magnetic fields, and the electromagnetic waves, I'd like to take a moment to go into a little bit about why I ended up making this video. See, I was writing a video on the physics of the Faraday cage, and I realized that I need to use electric fields to describe it.
The Scientist Who Struggled with Math
While 19th-century London was a place where dreams often met dead ends, one boy's curiosity would light up the world. We take electricity for granted today, but have you ever wondered who made these discoveries possible? Michael Faraday came from the slums and revolutionized physics. Born in 1791, Faraday grew up in a poor neighborhood south of the River Thames, the son of an apprentice to the village blacksmith.
Health Risks of Mobile Phone RF Radiation Explained 📵 - Dr Devra Davis | Highlights
She served as President Clinton's appointee on the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, she was also Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for health in the Department of Health and Human Services in the United States and as such has counseled many leading officials in the United States, United Nations World Bank, European Environmental Agency and the Pan-American Health Organization and the World Bank
Prelude To Power: 1931 Michael Faraday Celebration
Prelude To Power: The story of Faraday and the Induction Ring. A huge compound horseshoe magnet with two pull pieces to concentrate the field an electrical conductor passing between the poles of the magnet and as the disc the conductor is turned a continuous electric current flow through the galvanometer circuit this was the very first dynamo, the date was 1831.
Michael Faraday: The Father of Electricity
What is the first name that comes to mind with the mention of electricity? Thomas Edison? Nikola Tesla? Perhaps even Benjamin Franklin. Yet Michael Faraday as every right to belong on that list too, as it's impossible to imagine a world without his contributions to science.
5G Cell Tower Health Policy Issues
So I am Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust, thank you so much for having me today, I'm going to talk a little bit about the regulatory issues. So once upon a time the EPA was a development of RF exposure guidleines, in fact what you're seeing is a slide here from a briefing to the FCC in 1995.
Discoveries from Faraday's Laboratory – with David Ricketts
Welcome to Michael Faraday's laboratory, from the exact place that Michael Faraday did many of his discoveries. I'm Professor David Ricketts, and I'm here at the Royal Institution in London researching the innovations of Michael Faraday and the other great scientists that have worked here.
How did Michael Faraday invent? – with David Ricketts
It was September 3rd, 1821, and Michael Faraday came to The Royal Institution in the morning to do, I imagine, simply some experiments in his laboratory. and in case you are wondering where that is, it's about 100 meters out and about 10 meters down just that way. What we didn't know was, by suppertime, he would have invented the electric motor.
Woman has health fears after telco builds second cell tower next to her home.
Woman has health fears after telco builds second cell tower next to her home.