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Product: Safe and Sound Pro II RF Meter
5G Ready! - Low And Mid Bands - Third Party Tested
The Safe and Sound Pro II RF Meter is a professional RF meter that is designed to measure ambient radio frequency / microwave signals, and has a built in antenna.
This meter is a 3rd party certified RF detector with effective measurement range of 200 MHz to 8 GHz, true response detection range 400 MHz to 7.2 GHz (+/- 6dB).
Also includes a premium 4 line OLED Display for digital readings up to 3,180,000 µW/m² and down to 0.005 µW/m², Max Hold, Max Reset Button, USB Power Jack for Continuous Monitoring, Volume Control, Headphone Jack, Calibration Certificate and more!
NEW Safe and Sound Pro mmWave Meter
5G Ready! - High Band From 20 GHz to 40 GHz
Safe Living Technologies is pleased to present the Safe and Sound Pro mmWave Meter - North America’s first-ever, consumer-level, high-band 5G meter!
Professionally accurate and affordable, the Safe and Sound Pro mmWave Meter measures 5G from 20 GHz to 40 GHz, with a flat frequency response.
Features: Detects and measures 5G in the high mmWave band, 20 GHz to 40 GHz North America’s first-ever, consumer-level, high-band millimeter wave meter.
Professionally accurate and affordable – at a fraction of the cost of current high-band detectors. The perfect companion to Safe and Sound Pro II RF Meter, it’s the missing link to revealing the full range of 5G frequencies.
Digital display in micro watts/m² and V/m, includes audio, peak and average readings with maximum peak hold. Quickly determine RF present in your environment within 20 GHz and 40 GHz. Some of the more common sources the meter can detect: 5G cell towers, 5G cell phone emissions, higher frequency radar and other 5G high band devices.
3RD Party Tested - See Results Stub Antenna
3RD Party Tested - See Results Horn Antenna
See Comparison Results Between SLT Chamber and 3RD Party Chamber - See Results
Trifield EMF Meter - Model TF2
The TriField EMF Meter Model TF2 is an AC gaussmeter, AC electric field meter, and radio power density meter in a single unit, that combines all the features needed for fast, accurate measurements of electromagnetic fields (EMF). In addition to standard AC measurement modes, a special frequency weighted mode will properly scale the magnetic and electric measurements to indicate the full magnitude of currents produced by each type of field inside the human body.
Additional Features:
Detects all three types of EMF pollution: AC magnetic, AC electric, and RF/microwave
Special frequency weighting mode for measuring electric current from EMF in the human body
AC Magnetic Mode covers 40 Hz – 100 kHz with range of 0.1 – 100.0 milligauss (mG)
AC Electric Mode covers 40 Hz – 100 kHz with range of 1 – 1000 volts per meter (V/m)
RF Mode covers 20 MHz – 6 GHz with range of 0.001 – 19.999 milliwatts per square meter (mW/m2)
AC magnetic measurements are 3-axis, allowing for quick readings, regardless of meter orientation
Large liquid-crystal display (LCD) for crystal clear, accurate readings
Adjustable backlight for use in low-light environments
Audio Indicator emits sound that helps to pinpoint EMF sources
Peak Hold captures fast pulses, for measuring fast digital signals
Operates for more than 20 hours on a 9V battery, with a low battery indicator
Mobile phone and cell tower RF radiation
Smart meter RF radiation
Wi-Fi router and Bluetooth RF radiation
Overhead AC power line and transformer EMF emissions
Laptop, refrigerator, circuit breaker box, etc. appliance EMF emission
EMF emission inside aircraft and motor vehicles
Microwave oven leak
Location and EMF of wiring in walls
EMF from plumbing pipes used as grounding
Cornet ED88TPLUS 5G2 RF-EMF Meter - Includes Hard Shell Case (March 2023 Release!)
What is an Electrosmog Meter? This meter will give a home or business owner a basic understanding of RF and EMF exposure in their environment and help to identify the primary sources of electro-pollution in an environment. Note: If you are comparing your measurements to the Institute for Building Biology Guidelines and wish to achieve levels in the no concern range, a more sensitive meter is required.
New Features:
Only meter on market with real time waveform display/logging & Statistics data window.
Cornet ED88TPLUS 5G2 Meter has the same functions & specification as original +5G,
The Data Logging interval time has been increased up to 0.001sec.(1msec.) from 0.5sec.
Excellent tool to view the actual signal waveform of the digital RF signal to identify the signal source.
The Statistic mode display window has been improved, new real time signal waveform display is added to the Statistic data window. User can see the actual signal waveform of the RF signal displayed on each screen update.
Signals identification such as 5G, Wifi, DECT, Bluetooth,..etc., especially when several different signals are detected within the 0.5sec. LCD display update time.
Additional Features:
The ED88TPLUS 5G Meter has an RF data-logging mode
Data logging can only be done in the RF mode
The ED88TPLUS 5G Meter can display the duty cycle of digital RF pulses/bursts
RF Sampling rate of 25,000 samples/sec (i.e. 40 μs)
Wide radio frequency detection range: 100 MHz to 8 GHz
Low frequency m field range 1: 50 Hz to 10 kHz (0.1 uT to 60 uT)/(1 mG to 600 mG)
Low frequency m field range 2: 50 Hz to 1 kHz (0.01 uT to 10 uT)/(0.1 mG to 10 mG)
Low frequency electric field range: 50 Hz to 50 kHz (10 V/m to 100 V/m)
Sound signature analysis, with volume control
Up to 50 hours of RF data logging
USB interface to PC
Peak RF power density measurement: 0.5 uW/m2 to 1.8 W/m2
Max, Average and Hold function (for RF measurements)
Histogram for RF, LF, and E-field modes
Ultra-fast colored LED 8x segment level display, for easy signal level indication
Battery op.(9V DC Alkaline); > 20hours, or external power through USB port (5V)
Small, compact handheld design: 69mm X 130mm - 1 year warranty
Applications: RF field strength/power level measurement-RF Data Logging-Measuring emissions from cellular phone base stations-Telecommunications (e.g. CW,TDMA,GSM,DECT)-Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) detection, installations-Spy camera, wireless bug finder-Cellular/cordless phone radiation safety level-Microwave oven leakage detection-AC power line, transformer radiation-Monitoring personal living environment; EMF safety
Includes: ED88TPLUS 5G2 Electrosmog Meter: Qty=1, User's Guide, 9 Volt Battery, Hard Shell Zipper Travel Case (HS1)
Safe and Sound EM3 Meter
Safe and Sound EM3 Pro - 3 Axis Mag, 1 Axis E, Body Voltage Meter. The meter is built to measure lower frequency electric and magnetic fields; combined into one unit. Developed and Built North America
PRE-ORDER: Starts NOW! Delivery starts on April 30, 2024!
Safe Living Technologies' new Safe and Sound EM3 Pro is North America’s first-ever, 3 in 1 pro-consumer-level, professionally accurate and exceptionally affordable EMF meter.
3 axis Mag Meter
1 Axis E Meter
Body Voltage Meter
Additional Features:
3D measurement of the magnetic field
1D potential-free and grounded electric field measurement
Eliminates the need for X-Y-Z RMS calculations for magnetic field measurements. Ability to display all three magnetic field axis at once.
Integrated Body Voltage Meter
High frequency transient analysis for "Dirty Electricity" with built in frequency filter.
Ability to isolate frequency ranges of: 16.7 Hz | >60 Hz | >2 kHz
"Geiger Counter" sound feature. Increases in volume as field strength increases.
2 x AA Alkaline Batteries
USB-C port for continuous power
All Safe and Sound Meters are backed by a 2 year extended warranty
Includes: EM3 Pro Case-Safe and Sound EM3 Meter-Safe and Sound EM3 Measuring Instructions-User's Guide-Test Lead 18 inches / 46 cm - Red - For Hand Probe (4mm banana)-Test Lead 20' / 6.1 Meters - Black - For Grounding (4mm banana)-Hand Probe - 4 inches -Polished Solid Aluminum-Ground Plug - For grounding to a 120 VAC electrical outlet-Ground Clip - Alligator Clip to assist with Grounding (4mm banana)-2 x AA Alkaline Batteries Included-Outlet Tester-Ground Peg - 7.87 inch / 20cm 2 Year Warranty
Safe and Sound EM3 Pro Meter
EMF Shielding Paint - Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a growing concern in our wireless technology-dependent world. EMF meters can show you the level of EMF in your home from these devices, as well as from outside sources like your neighbours, cell towers, smart meters and more. For outside concerns, you need protection within your house. Our Safe and Sound RF-ECO Shielding Paint is perfect for interior and exterior applications; to reduce the levels of RF and EMF within your home.
Our RF shielding paint provides protection against RF radiation, microwave and also from low-frequency electric fields if grounded properly by a licensed electrician. If you have been experiencing electromagnetic hypersensitivity, our shielding paint is an excellent product to help you mitigate the RF and EMF levels in your environment. Our shielding paint is just one of the many products we have for RF and EMF home protection.
Learn More About Our EMF / RF Shielding Paints Safe and Sound RF-ECO Paint
Safe and Sound RF-ECO 5G Shielding Paint 8 Oz Sample
NEW Safe and Sound RF-ECO 5G Shielding Paint - 8 Oz Paint Sample Tester
*Does Not Include Free Shipping*
NEW Safe and Sound RF-ECO 5G Shielding Paint - 8 Oz Sample protects against the entire spectrum of electrosmog – including that of 5G. Shielding is greater than 99.9% attenuation of wireless radiation!
Paint can be used for both interior and exterior applications. This liquid armour blocks low-frequency AC electric fields when grounded. It effectively shields RF radiation from 200 MHz to 40 GHz. For 5G protection: low-band from 600 MHz to 1 GHz, mid-band from 1 GHz to 6 GHz, and high-band from 20 GHz to ~ 40 GHz. It will not shield from low-frequency AC magnetic fields, unfortunately.
This exceptional product by Safe Living Technologies Inc. has a pure-acrylics binder for good adhesion on a wide variety of surfaces and substrates, including latex paint, construction board, cement, plaster, polystyrene and masonry.
RF-ECO 5G Shielding Paint is water-based and environmentally friendly. This paint is a non-toxic high quality pure acrylic binder which is environmentally friendly, and contains only 0.027 oz/Gal. VOC’s - which is classified as a Zero VOC Paint.
RF-ECO 5G Shielding Paint is usually applied as a primer with a brush and roller like any other paint, and is then covered with two layers of interior or exterior topcoat paint. Two layers of shielding paint may be applied for further effectiveness - even three layers in extreme cases.
Infused with natural graphite and carbon black for shielding, RF-ECO 5G Shielding Paint is electrically conductive and black in colour. Grounding the paint is required and to be completed by a locally licensed electrician. Comes in an easy-to-pour container with a storage lid and has a shelf life of 3+ years.