EARTH JUST GOT LUCKY | Super Eruption from the Sun - Ben Davidson from Suspicious Observers
Folks I did not expect this morning's filament eruption to be as severe as it was and we are very lucky that the densest portion is going to miss the Earth, this is one of the densest and most potent CMEs of the solar cycle and it's luckily heading Southward in the solar system.
You can see how much plasma was ejected as you look at the Earth scale laid on the Soho coronograph images here look at how much plasma there is compared to the size of the Earth and how dense the inner core of that cm is the density is still visible on the C3 camera which is unusual to say the least.
The edge of the CME is likely Earth directed but will produce only a minor glancing blow Earth got lucky, this is the sort of thing that would provide potentially disastrous impacts to the planet if it was aimed our way luckily that is not the case I'll see you in the morning for The Daily Show be safe everyone.